terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

"Moon River"

Also In Tavira I took this hopping to get as good as the other. Can't tell if I did it, but I'm proud of my self.
Took with a Canon Powershot A95 full manual.

"Cruising Down the River"

For me this is one magical picture. Took without realizing how good it would become such a magical shot. Took with a Canon Powershot A95 full manual. Took in Tavira, Portugal.

Plastic...but Nice

Took with a Canon Powershot A95 Iso 50, F7.5, 1/1000.

Take it close...

Took with a Canon Powershot A95 Full Manual, F5, ISO 50, 1/320, manual focus.

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Justin Tyler Carey

Check his website: http://www.justintylercarey.com/first_version_of_home.html

Sky at Night

Took this at 8:30 pm. In the photo it looks a lot brighter than it actually was.
Took with a nikon D90 with 10-24 wide at 24 with F:4.5, ISO 200 and the shutter was open by 30 seconds.

sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

Cat in the garden

I was working in my computer when i saw this cat in my back yard. Grabbed the first camera I could get my hands on and headed outside. I was trying some shots when he aproached me and gave me this incredible oportunity.

Unlike most of my Photos this was taken with a Nikon D90 using an 18-105 lens.
There was no photoshop or any kind of forgery on the image. ALL my images don't have any kind of image post processing. At the most some crops, no more.

Copyright Rui Calado


Well...I love photography wether underwater or on land. I try to make as most possible shots as I can and I try to make them as good as I can. I'm no professional, not so ever, I mainly have pleasure by doing this.

Most of my shots were taken with a Canon Powershot A95. As I'm in to macro I usualy use a wide angle macro lens, along with the adapter or some small 4+ lens also with an adapter.

Hope you enjoy my photos...