terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

"Moon River"

Also In Tavira I took this hopping to get as good as the other. Can't tell if I did it, but I'm proud of my self.
Took with a Canon Powershot A95 full manual.

"Cruising Down the River"

For me this is one magical picture. Took without realizing how good it would become such a magical shot. Took with a Canon Powershot A95 full manual. Took in Tavira, Portugal.

Plastic...but Nice

Took with a Canon Powershot A95 Iso 50, F7.5, 1/1000.

Take it close...

Took with a Canon Powershot A95 Full Manual, F5, ISO 50, 1/320, manual focus.

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Justin Tyler Carey

Check his website: http://www.justintylercarey.com/first_version_of_home.html

Sky at Night

Took this at 8:30 pm. In the photo it looks a lot brighter than it actually was.
Took with a nikon D90 with 10-24 wide at 24 with F:4.5, ISO 200 and the shutter was open by 30 seconds.